Complete Video Capillaroscopy Products Range from Primary to Tertiary Care and Beyond
Inspectis provides a complete range of nail fold video Capillaroscopy devices and software suitable for users at all levels. Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced.
Advanced Capillaroscopy systems
Inspectis video capillaroscopy PRO grade products that are MDD compliant and meet the exacting test standards required in the hospital and university research environment that provide tertiary or even quaternary levels of care. Rekommenderad for use with the INSPECTIS CAP Pro software.
Intermediate Video Capillaroscops
CapiScope provides high quality Capilaroscope primarily for medium demand clinics at secondary care level. Study case data can be analysed by qualified medical locally or shared with tertiary care centres for further action. Can be used with INSPECTIS CAP Basic or INSPECTIS CAP Pro software. Pictures can also be acquired using the INSPECTIS APP on Android devices and shared with more advanced INSPECTIS CAP PC software.
Elementary WiFi Capillaroscope
DigiScope and mobile APP for simple and quick assessment at primary care level and for students and trainees. Pictures can be acquired using the INSPECTIS APP on Apple iOS or Android devices and shared with more advanced INSPECTIS CAP PC software.